Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cry Aloud and Spare Not!

Isa 58:1

"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."

Have you ever posed the question to yourself, "What was it like to walk in the shoes of a prophet of God?" As I read Jeremiah one morning I was meditating on the life and ministry of the prophets....Portland came into my mind. I immediately had a negative feeling about going to the "wicked city"! I just do not like cities and crowds...but to receive a command to go an to preach the gospel to Portland...well the Lord had just gone to meddl'n in my affairs! For weeks I tried to dismiss this 'idea' spoken by that still small voice in the inner sanctuary in my soul. But God is very patient and firm in His leading. He literally led me to the streets by the hand (That is a story in itself!). This year marks my fourth year going into Portland to hand out tracts and to preach the gospel.

Some of the most severe criticism of open air preaching is from sincere Christians (and some insincere) but all confused concerning the Biblical ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They say things like "You are just making them mad!" or "This is not the way we should win people to Christ" or "you should be their friends first and earn the right to speak to them about eternal things!"". Of course there are the pragmatic souls that contend that Preaching is just not appealing to the modern man! We need fresh ideas to reach out to this generation! OK, so since gospel preaching "does not work" we should just abandon God's plan. (See 1 Corinthians 1:21)

Three weeks ago I saw two attractive young ladies standing and listening to brother Pavel Starykov preach the gospel. They looked as though they were troubled. I thought maybe they were lost and concerned for their soul's salvation, but after the message they approached us to say, "Why are you yelling at people? You are just driving them away from Christ!" We learned that these young people had come to Portland on a 'mission' from a church in California. They explained to us that they worked with people 'one on one', speaking with them about things that they cared about and then tried to get into a discussion of spiritual things. I explained to her that this is not an either/or proposition! We need to preach the gospel and work one on one. There are many opportunities for one on one work during and after the preaching. There is a great need for folks to hand out tracts. It would be wonderful to have saints on the ground praying for the the salvation of souls during all our activities. Christians need to go into the highways and hedges and see the needs....look into the eye of people. Why? The scriptures tell us in

Matthew 9:36

"....when Jesus saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them..."

Now to answer the young ladies question, God told the prophet to lift up his voice like a trumpet. Why? What was the purpose?

To shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins!

This is not going to be popular in any form or fashion! I know that everyone is not called to be a preacher on the box....but you can contribute to the preaching of the gospel in many ways. In the weeks ahead I hope to share with how you can do just that.

Thank You for Your Prayer Support Today!

We had a great day out on the streets handing out gospel literature and preaching on the box. Here are few pictures of the day. I will follow up Sunday night with a full report. Thank you for your prayers. Souls were stirred to think about sin and judgment today. Our prayer is that the Spirit of God will grant to them repentance!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please pray for us this morning as we are going down town Portland to hand out gospel tracts and to preach. We gather at the Skidmore Fountain at 10:30 a.m. A great way to get down to the Saturday Market is to park at the Lloyd Center and catch the Max down to the Market. Best of all it is Free.

Hear the latest news, happenings on the Streets of Portland, Be a Prayer Partner,you will find the 'gadget' to link up to 'On the Streets of Portland....", on the left margin of the page. You will hear the latest news of how the Lord is working down town each week.

Thank You for your prayers and support in the ministry of the gospel!

Brother Jim

Monday, July 25, 2011

They went forth Two by Two...

This past Saturday the regular 'crew' of evangelist were not able to meet at the Fountain at the regular time of 10:30am. Paul had to work days and would not be there on the site until 3:45pm and I had to go to work at 3:00pm. I almost did not go down, would have been so easy not to...but thanks to Barry Gorter I was able to have a partner to hand out tracts at the fountain.

It was 'Vanity Fair' in the extreme this past Saturday. There was the regular guy banging on plastic pales, but the young man driving nails into his head was more than I wanted to look at! In the midst of all this we stood our ground and handed out the gospel until the seed bag was empty...

We took the MAX and sitting across the aisle was a young boy about 13..."Do you have one of these?" as I handed him a picture tract..."This was your life..." He began to read it...I then ask him if he had ever read the Bible. He said, "No" I handed him a Gospel of John and he took it. "If the Bible were a great portrait with Jesus as the main object, that little book in your hand is a picture of Jesus' it and you will know Him. "Who are you anyway?" the boy asked. "I'm a preacher...", I replied. He seemed satisfied with the explanation and went his way, PRAY FOR THE WORD OF GOD TO HAVE IT'S WAY IN THE HEARTS THE DEAR ONES WHO STRETCHED OUT A HAND TO RECEIVE IT!

GOD BLESS... See you Saturday?