Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Prodical Blogger Returns!

As you may have noticed I have not posted on the blog for sometime. Molly and I traveled north to the Warm Beach Conference grounds to help with Camp Living Word Bible camp early in July. Molly counseled the junior girls and I spoke to the teens morning and evening. One of our campers rebuffed me for not posting news on my Blog! I felt like David looking at the pointy finger of  Nathan the prophet! "Thou art the man!"  Really, we find time for what is important to us and therein is the condemnation! We have been going out this year but I have not reported the news to you and for that I am sorry. I am making a new commitment to write! (Writing is a chore for me...I like to do but writing has always been difficult for me). 

During the month of June we had our brother Lawrence Debois come up from Oakland, California to preach. Lawrence stayed with us during the week and preached in Portland throughout the week Here is a clip of brother Lawrence preaching at the Skidmore Fountain in Portland, Oregon.

Please pray for brother Larry as he travels to the several cities on the west coast to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a faithful preacher of  the gospel who deserves our support. You can follow Larry's ministry on his web page...