We went down to Portland
State University
to stand with Brother Shawn Hole and his team as they preached and witnessed
one on one. I gave out the 180 tracts, written by Ray Comfort which uses the
historical context of Hitler’s Germany
and the American holocaust to bring home the truth of our national sin of
abortion with a personal application to repent of sin.
As usual, there was a good deal of reaction to the signs and
preaching ministry. Some laughed and mocked, saying profane things. Others walked
by with a looks of utter distain for this ‘foolishness’ and then there were
those who were in a rage that we would dare come onto ‘their’ campus and yell
at them! It is funny how preaching anything biblical always seems like yelling
to those being preached at! Granted, some open air preachers can come across
pretty strident in their tone, but I did not see or hear anything like that
from those preaching.
I positioned my self about 25 feet from the crowd to hand
out literature… After some time an intelligent looking couple approached me, “Are
you with these people?” “Yes, I’m a
friend with the leader of this group and I came out to be a part of the team.” “How can you as a Christian condone this
judgmental condemnation of everyone to hell? Do you really think that Jesus
would hold those signs and yell at people like that?” (watch the YouTube to see
the signs). I replied, “Jesus has commanded his followers to go into all the
world and preach the gospel….I believe that would include speaking as well with
written means….” I then pointed out that God instructed Jeremiah, “….have you
read about Jeremiah?”…..She cut in, “We know the scriptures…we were raised in
church and have read the bible…” It became apparent to me that these two definitely
were out to pin my ears back. They were like two dachshunds working together to
take down a coon, “You are being judgmental aren’t you? Did not Jesus say to
remove the ‘beam’ from your own eye before you worry about the splinter in some
else’s eye?” At this point I gave more rope, “Ok so what is the beam in my eye?”
They blurted out, “Do you eat meat?” I told them that I did and that the Lord
was OK with that (Genesis 9). To which they pointed out that I was wearing a
leather coat! “An animal had to die for you to wear that coat!” “Well…” I said,
“They have die sometime…why let a good coat go to waste?” Needless to say they did
not appreciate my stab at some dry humor and were quite disgusted with my red
necked attitude toward husbandry! I then turned the subject to abortion and the
killing of children in the womb, “…Are you OK with killing children in the
womb?” The young woman rejoined, “They are not children….it is a fetus!” the
young man chimed in, “Yes we are pro choice!” I replied, “OK, I see you are fine
with killing a human baby in the womb, but object to the biblical view of
animal husbandry?”
This should make your blood run cold. These are the people
who are and will be the elite, educated ruling class of our society! This is exactly the belief and attitude of Germany leading
up to the holocaust. Germany
has killed their millions and America
has killed her tens of millions! God help us!
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and
changed the glory of the incorruptible God into and image made like unto
corruptible man and beasts!” (Romans 1:22-23) When it became apparent to them
that they could not tree the ‘coon’, we agreed to disagree…
Thank you for joining our prayer team! That really means alot to me and those that are going out here in Portland!
Yes it is very sad! This couple really believe that the baby in the womb is a 'non-human' entity. From this error they can justify murder! Be strong, speak out for the kingdom.
Lord Jesus give Matt wisdom and power to glorify your name at SVC!
I am glad you got to hookup with Brother Shawn. Keep up the good work there in Portland. I am praying for you and team.
unknown is me Larry
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