Monday, March 17, 2008

Angels Unawares/ Teacher Reviles the Truth of Creator

Wednesday, the 12th of March 08.

I heard from Daniel that he was planning to go into Portland to preach and evangelize alone and so I asked my work mate to cover my 12 hour work responsibility to allow me to able to accompany my good brother to the city.

Daniel began preaching on the corner of Yamhill and Broadway. I manned the corner and passed out tracts. After a half hour or so, Daniel suggested that we return to the small ample theater adjacent to the Starbucks because of the back ground noise being high at our present position.

As we made our way over towards our new digs We noticed an elderly gentleman standing in the center of the square silently, his frame was slight and his sweatshirt hung loosely on his shoulders. The words on the front of his sweatshirt read, “I stood at the Empty tomb, Jesus has Risen!” I said to Daniel,” Is that guy going to preach or what”? We slowly made our way to the center of the square where the old man stood still with his arms down at his side, his palms turned slightly open. Daniel approached the man and engaged him in conversation. We introduce ourselves all around. His name is Alfred. Alfred is 87 years old and comes down to the square on Wednesdays at 12:00 to 1:00 to pray for Portland! As we were parting I asked him to pray for us. He immediately reached out to gently touch our arms and prayed the blessing of the Lord on our efforts in speaking and publishing the gospel of Christ. His prayer was offered up with a true earnest unction of a man led of the Spirit. I could not help but to see the Lord’s hand in this wonderful event. As I sat listening to Daniel preach, I looked back to where the old man had been…he was gone.

There were school children at the square throughout the morning. One of the favorite things to do at the square is to stand on the ‘round stone’ in the ample theater and hear how your voice resounds back to your ears when you speak. The children were lined up to make little noises and words at the encouragement of their teachers. Between groups I took the spot and began to preach the truth of God as our creator, the fall of man, the certainty of Judgment by the righteous judge, Jesus Christ, at which time a teacher to my side and reviled me for preaching in the presence of children. He vehemently pronounced, “That this is a school field trip that they should be forced to hear such ‘crap’!” A leader of another group of a dozen or more children allowed them to stay and hear the message of the cross and how they could have assurance of sins forgiven! Praise God for Christian teachers. This illus trates just how ‘tolerant’ these secular teachers are of anything having to do with Christ. Truly the carnal mind is an enemy of God, it is not subject to the law of God, and neither indeed can be!

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