Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Family Affair

We did some preaching, singing and handing out tracts at 10th and Yamhill. Not all the preaching is shown due an inexperienced camera man. The word of God went out today and many people received tracts. There were over 400 pieces of literature distributed on the streets of Portland.

Molly and the girls set up on 6th and Morrison. They did a great job! Liz was excited that one lady returned and ask for the tract that uses the topic of school shootings to show that the common denominator is the fallen nature of man. She wanted to give them out to some select people.

So many people passed by today. Please pray for those that received tracts and heard the word preached. Pray for laborer to come out for a couple of hours to multiply the sowing of the seed! We want to thank Holly and Heather that came out today. They were a great help!

Notice in the picture that the lady is walking away with a tract in her hand! Good job Liz.

Molly has a great smile for everyone that passes by. To the right of Molly is her side kick Joanna who is becoming a very talented 'tract-er'

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Warm Sunny Day on the Streets of Portland

Today it was hot in Portland but praise God for the shade trees around the square. We had a good group of tract-ers out for the Lord today. Besides Molly and me, there were Daniel, Paige, Josh, Stacey, Jim, Liz, Joanna and our friend Holly. Josh met a couple of young men for the Westside Baptist Church in town. These two brave hearts came down to do one on one witnessing and were happy to see others out doing ministry on the street. They did not come with tracts and so we supplied them with some material to pass out to people.

All in all by God’s grace the word went out, the seed was sown. We want to thank those that came out to day and those that pray for us. It is absolutely necessary and greatly appreciated!

Divine Appointments of God

The DVB Girl

The Lord knows those that are His! Praise the Lord we need not worry about using mans methods and schemes to get people to pray or ‘be saved’. We go because we are commanded to, knowing that God will use His Word to call those who are the elect from before the foundation of the world!

Today many people were passing by, trying to ignore the guy with the tracts. Suddenly, there stood before me a young couple; the young lady began to ask me questions, lots of questions. Here are a few that I remember…

  • Why do you need to use a particular name to address God?
  • Yea, I attended DVB as a kid and memorized scripture. I even prayed to accept Jesus as my savior, but now I have doubts about many things. Will I still go to heaven?
  • I heard that God loves every one. Is that true?
  • Why didn’t God answer the prayers I prayed as a child? I’m so disillusioned when it comes to God. There has to be a God who created all this, just look at those flowers! I mean, someone had to have created that.
  • What is faith?

To each of these questions the Spirit graciously brought scripture to my mind and then she was off the next question…

About this time her boy friend said, “Let’s go!”

To which the young lady replied, “No! I’m depressed and have thoughts of suicide. This has never happen to me before. Why am I having these thoughts?

Mister, do you know that you are going to heaven? I answered, “Absolutely!” How did you come to know that at first? At this point I shared my testimony of salvation with them.

What is heaven like? Will we be ourselves?

I closed my comments to her relating the failure of the first Adam and the victory of the second Adam; that Christ, the God-man died on the cross for our sins, rose bodily from the dead and ascended into heave to sit at the right hand of the Father. I admonished her to repent of her sins and to have faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Romans 10:9-10 & 13. The will forgive and indwell the believer. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

I leaned that they were finishing their freshman in college this year. Did you know that 75% of Christian young people renounce their faith before leaving college? She took a gospel of John with a “Good news for you” tract as a book marker.

Please pray for this soul. I do not know her name. I’m thinking of her as the Daily Vacation Bible girl, or the DVB girl. She has our contact information so pray that she will contact us with questions.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Great Day to be on the Streets of Portland!

Work and illness took a toll on the number on our team today but we had good success singing, handing out gospel tracts, preaching and praying. Paige was able to join us today. She teamed up with Liz and took the SE corner of SW 5th and Morrison. Jim moved around giving out tracts on the move! He reported running out on three different occasions. That's well over 100 pieces of literature. Great job Jim!

The choir took up their position on the SW corner. When they sing the gospel songs the darkness rolls back. People act like they are walking through a church service. Two construction worker were loitering on our "preaching boxes" when we arrived but quickly vacated the area when the choir began to sing a gospel song. Some in the Russian group were handing out gospel tracts. On a particular occasion a girl who jumps in to the choir to make fun leaves with a tract given to her by this young man.

In addition to the preaching today there where several one on one witnesses. Here is a visual report of some of what went on today.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Send Forth Labors into the Harvest!

I'm happy to report that we had new laborers in the field today. Mike and Nick with his two sons came out to the square in addition to our regulars. In all we had twelve handing out tracts today. Our friends from the Slavic Grace Baptist Church helped us sanctify the corner of SW 5th and Morrison St. Our folks easily gave out over 500 pieces of literature today. One of our ladies reported giving out 100 tracts herself. As we were preparing to leave I saw a kid about 11 years old walk pasted with his eyes pouring over a color comic rendition of "Are you a Good Person". Praise the Lord! Please pray for the word to find the 'good ground' and to bear fruit s0, 60 and 100 fold!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Transcendent God of the Universe

The father of modern philosophers, Immanuel Kant, believed that our universe is a closed system and that we can not know God exists by our senses. This thinking marked the departure of the great thinkers, St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas but most importantly the Apostle Paul, who without a doubt is the greatest theologian in history, writing fourteen books of the New Testament by the inspiration of a very transcendent God. The problem is not that man can not deduce a Creator from the Creation, but that man's heart is fallen and wicked. We do not want to know the God revealed in Creation!

The Devil Shows Up on the Square

Daniel did this skit before a crowd of about 100 foreign exchange students sitting on the steps of the square on the south side. Before we he began Jim passed out a dozen booklets called "The Atheist Test". Several good things happened in response. The skit make an impression on the young people and as they left our 'tract' distributors reported that the young students asked them for material! Molly gave out twenty or so tracts as they were leaving the square. Also I was able to answer the inquiry of a young man who had watched from across the square, "What are you guys doing?" We were able to give a thorough presentation of the gospel . He readily received gospel literature and thanked us for our efforts. Pray for Nick as he seemed to be searching for the truth. Of course we know that it the Lord who is seeking out His own!