Thursday, April 3, 2008

When They Revile You Rejoice...

Mixed reactions to the ministry of the Gospel.

I arrived and engaged a young man that quickly mounted an attack against the true God of the scriptures and His Son, Jesus Christ. The discussion was intense and above the noise level of normal conversation. After some time of listening to the young mans objections and giving answer, I noticed the young man's right arm and hand was smaller than his left and that he kept it covered. It was obvious that he had issues with the creator of the universe.

He attacked the authority of the Scriptures (I used them any way in the course of our discussion). Afterwards the discussion ended I turned to see two young men who had listened intently to the entire discussion and the answers given. They confessed Christ and stated that they were greatly encourage by the witness given. Pray for this man with the angry, bitter heart that the word of God will have it's way to God's glory.

God said, Preach here to these people!

Daniel came just as the former engagement ended. As I scanned the square the Spirit whispered there is the place.... about then Daniel said, "I think I should speak to that crowd over there!" As we walked that way I acknowledge a confirmation of 'word' from the Lord. To which Daniel responded with, "I guess that settles it." The crowd was the counter culture crowd. Many of them live on the streets and profess to worship the devil openly. Watch for your self the unfolding of events. Notice that during the preaching the revilers attracted more people to hear as Daniel swallows hard and opens his mouth to preach.

Wherefore God has Highly Exalted Christ!

Before we took moment to rest and fellowship before home, Daniel nudges me for one more to which I gladly agreed. I took my message from Philippians 2:5-11. Note the just after the exalted Christ is proclaimed in verse 9, a man comes into the picture blasphemy the gospel and proclaiming satan is master.

" Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name! Oh how the sinners hate the exalted Christ! It is like this man was prodded with a hot iron! Listen to what he is chanting....

The Lord gave Daniel special grace to speak to this filthy reviler (He called our precious Lord the filthiest names), the truth of the Lord.

After the preaching a young man by the name of Cassidy, came forward to ask me a 'hard' question. He was very colorful, literally; he had blond spiked hair with pink and blue tints that poked out from beneath a white billed hat. The Lord gave us a clear witness to Cassidy of sin, righteousness and the judgment to come. Pray for Cassidy that the Lord will grant to him repentance to acknowledging of the truth.

1 comment:

Ron Grove said...

Hi Jim,

Just wanted to let you know I have your RSS feed on my home page and read your posts regularly. Please know I'm praying for the work you and Daniel are doing, it's truly wonderful to see.