Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Ministry Report

First, we want to thank you for your prayers for the gospel ministry! Brother Pavel and I met together shortly after 10:30am for a brief time of prayer and setting up. It is hard to know all that happened today because so many contacts were made in the time we were there. I took the box first at Pavel’s insistence that the elder must go before the younger! I gave a message outlining the “lines in the sand” or the trespasses of God’s law man has broken, beginning with the fall and continuing through the big ten written in the rock. It is amazing to see the response of people when confronted by the law of God…there is the sixth command…thou shalt not murder, our nation has crossed the line with the millions of abortion since Roe vs Wade; there is the 7th commandment; the state is ignoring God’s marriage covenant to “redefine” marriage. People were stopping, listening and hopefully consciences were pricked with word of God.

One character of note was a street person that was attracted to the preaching and who tried to interrupt and confuse. He sounded like a sincere ‘seeker’ at first but was then found to deny the deity of Christ. Pavel passed him off to me…I could tell he was “well versed” in his heresy. Having dealt with JWs for years I know the verse they are going to use before they get there…he used them all. After a firm rebuke of his high minded pronouncement that he was speaking the 'words of God’ he got angry and left the scene.

In the above picture you see a young lady that sat on the fountain listening to Carlin preach the gospel. Carlin has a very wonderful style of preaching the simple and profound truths of the doctrines of grace. The young lady approached Carlin afterward to inquire further about the gospel of Christ. She received gospel literature as she was leaving. Pray that she would come trust in Christ by His grace.

Another remarkable thing happened. A young woman, after receiving a tract returned and with amazement said, “ I was looking for a church to attend tomorrow! I had found Glencullen’s web page this morning and was hoping to find the church!” Sarah attends a reformed church in her area and plans to attend services at Glencullen tomorrow!

Our brothers Justin and Jason came in on the "second" shift at about 12:30 and continued the good work of gospel. We thank the Lord for all the those who are faithfully serving on the ground and in praying for this work!

1 comment:

Jon Lafayette said...

I'm encouraged to see that people are being convicted, and that at least a few are showing interest. I will keep praying.