Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sowers Went Forth to Sow

College student reading "A prayer from Hell"
 On Sunday evening on the 4th, I was home for a change (Not at work!). Our family sat down to watch a film called, "Go, Stand, Speak" , The Forgotten Power of the Public Proclamation of the Gospel. This  is a lengthy presentation with six segments, each dealing with an aspect of open air ministry. Afterwards,my daughter, Lizzie, said, "Dad, I'd like to go out with you on Saturday!" And so, Molly, and daughters Liz and Jo came with me and Larry Dubois out to sow the seed of the gospel.

We went down to the river side. The crowds came by in groups. Many heard the gospel and many received gospel literature.

Larry Dubois, from Citrus Grove California, spent the entire
Larry Dubois preaching the Gospel
week in Portland doing open air ministry. During the week we preached at and near the Pioneer Square, joining forces with Ron Roman and several that serve with him on a weekly basis at the Square from 11:00am to 1:00pm, on Tues, Thurs and Fridays. Molly and the girls handed out several hundred gospel tracts. I am very pleased that Liz chose to spent part of her birthday in the fields of harvest sowing gospel seed. This is certainly the greatest gift ever offered and someday she may have the joy of being introduced to a soul who believed the gospel after reading a tract from her hand on this very special day!

Jo, far left, Molly and Liz, right, offer the Gospel with a Smile!

Lady Reading "A Prayer from Hell"

You see in the picture on the right a lady reading a gospel tract, "A prayer from Hell"  This is not the first time I have seen or heard of people being impacted by this particular title by Holmes Moore. It is distributed by Chapel Library, Pensacola, Florida.

One particular time as Liz offered a Catholic man the tract, "A Prayer From Hell". He asked, "What is it?" "It is a gospel tract" she said. He retorted "Why should I read that?" To which Liz replied, "To keep you from going to hell..." she said holding out the tract with a smile...he traded Liz, taking the tract and giving her piece of Catholic literature..

Keep these and other dear souls in your prayers that light of the glorious gospel will shine into their hearts!

1 comment:

Douglas said...

But did you read the literature the Catholic gave you? When you think about it, the Church that brought you the NT canon just might have something valuable to say. I find it telling that no Protestant can name anyone before Luther who believed in the same NT canon as themselves, and who also doesn't at the same time hold views they consider absolutely heretical. At least Luther was honest enough to reject the word of those he considered heretics and try to throw out books that he disagreed with like James and Revelation.