Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Great Day to be on the Streets of Portland!

Work and illness took a toll on the number on our team today but we had good success singing, handing out gospel tracts, preaching and praying. Paige was able to join us today. She teamed up with Liz and took the SE corner of SW 5th and Morrison. Jim moved around giving out tracts on the move! He reported running out on three different occasions. That's well over 100 pieces of literature. Great job Jim!

The choir took up their position on the SW corner. When they sing the gospel songs the darkness rolls back. People act like they are walking through a church service. Two construction worker were loitering on our "preaching boxes" when we arrived but quickly vacated the area when the choir began to sing a gospel song. Some in the Russian group were handing out gospel tracts. On a particular occasion a girl who jumps in to the choir to make fun leaves with a tract given to her by this young man.

In addition to the preaching today there where several one on one witnesses. Here is a visual report of some of what went on today.

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