Tuesday, November 1, 2011

In Due Season you Shall Reap if you Faint Not!

It has been a few weeks since I was able to go out to preach and hand out tracts in portland. I had a bad ear condition that completely blocked my hearing in my left ear. I thought is might be an infection but it turned out to be blocked by wax...Thanks to the Doc it is all better...I'm am back to normal and  I am not saying ....what? to my family as much!

I give thanks be to the Lord for the faithful brothers that went out to sow the gospel seed in my absence. Brother Pavel is a very faithful soul-winner and preacher of the gospel and I am honored to serve with him and others who come out! Pavel shared with me that last week a man approached him and asked to share his testimony. He revealed to Pavel that he had heard the gospel in this very spot at the Skidmore Fountain, some 29 years ago, from a faithful servant of the Lord and had come to faith in Christ as a result! We cast the bread of the gospel on the waters, not knowing what the Lord is going to do in the hearts of men, women, boys and girls. We must be faithful to obey the call to the field of service he has for us. God bless everyone and thank-you for praying for the ministry of the gospel in Portland!


Janelle said...

That's awesome that God let you see some of the fruits of the evangelism efforts down in Portland. How encouraging!

Jim said...

The Lord is very gracious to give us encouragement when we need it! A gentleman stopped to ask me, "Well do you get much results?" to which I said, "If you mean people falling down and crying out 'what I do to be saved', no" He then asked "Why do you do preach if it doesn't work?" to which I replied, "Because Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and to preach the gospel!" Paul said "Woe unto me if I preach not the gospel!" God is about to break up the hard ground in American. We are to fat and sassy right now but the difficult times ahead will prepare hearts to hear! Thank you for your prayer!