Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sowing the Seed....The Laborers are Few

We were handing the 180 tract that deals with two nations, Germany and the holocaust and then America and her holocaust. Germany killed her millions and America has killed her tens of millions! There is a personal application to repent and believe in Christ for salvation. We had Brother Andrea come out to hand out tracts. He is a friend of Pavel and attends a Ukrainian church in Vancouver Washington. You see in the picture below folks receiving gospel tracts as they go on their way through the market. 

This next week Brother Sean Hole is coming through Portland to preach the gospel. Pray for a good day as to the weather and plan to come out to pass out gospel tracts with us or just come out and watch and pray. The harvest is great but the laborers are few! We will be at the Skidmore Fountain at 10:30am, Portland, Oregon. You can park at Loyd's Center Mall and then ride free of charge on the Max Train to the Fountain...BE SURE TO RIDE A RED OR BLUE LINE TRAIN! The Green Line train by passes the fountain.


Kneel said...

I'll be down there with you today brother. I'll be by the prayer stand. Please introduce yourself! May we be used for His glory and to bring others to repentance today.

God bless!


Jim said...

Thank you for coming down! It was a great joy to meet you! Your prayers and encouragement really are appreciated. Hopefully we'll have the privilege of working together on the streets of Portland!