Monday, June 16, 2008

The Best Father's Day Gift

Joanna rode with her dad back to the homestead.

She said, “Dad, a lady on a bike stopped and tried to get me to not believe in the Bible. She said that I was stupid for believing the Bible.”

“Oh?”, I said, “And what did you say to that?”

The little 'tracter' said, “I told her, 'I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!'”

To which I queried, “And what did the lady say then?

“Nothing” she said, “she just rode off on her bike”.

The little trouper gave her daddy the best father’s day gift ever! The shy one stood alone on a public square and boldly proclaimed her faith in her Lord Jesus Christ! Praise God for his grace in giving our little lamb the boldness of a lion!

Fathers, I would challenge you to set the pace for your children. Lead them into service for the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men!” Your children will follow you; into service for their Lord but they will puke up lukewarm 'Christianity'. Our young people need a challenge to boldly stand for Christ in this dark time. God help us not to fail our little ones that follow us.

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